2024 - SOLARKIND           ▶ play  ▼ dl
enough records [enrmp533]
 01 : the twin empresses of saturn        
 02 : trans-neptunian uprising            
 03 : chase towards cities of jovian moons
 04 : striges over ceres                  

2024 - ASTRA              ▶ play  ▼ dl
enough records [enrmp527]
 01 : stellar-flare 
 02 : nebula-runners
 03 : magnitude     

2023 - SOL                ▶ play  ▼ dl
enough records [enrmp516]
 01 : ékleipsis     
 02 : aurora        
 03 : zenith        

2022 - GEIST              ▶ play  ▼ dl
enough records [enrmp508]
 01 : path          
 02 : ritual        
 03 : spire         
 04 : ékstasis      
 05 : oneiromancy[*]

2021 - OUTER              ▶ play  ▼ dl
enough records [enrmp496]
01 : heliosphere   
02 : fallenstation 
03 : orbiter       
04 : stratosphere  
05 : skyline       

2016 - SEPTENTRION        ▶ play  ▼ dl
enough records [enrmp396]
01 : beacon     
02 : descent    
03 : subterranea
04 : megaliths  
05 : contact    

2011 - LANDSCAPES         ▶ play  ▼ dl
enough records [enrmp288]
01 : dawn       
02 : depths     
03 : wreck      
04 : remanence  
05 : windward[*]

2010 - ASSEMBLY           ▶ play  ▼ dl
clinical archives [ca391]
01 : serial   
02 : tesla    
03 : hull     
04 : kinetic  
05 : generator

2009 - TERRAFORMplay & dl
amduscias records [AMR239]
     01 : flattening                  
     02 : drilling                    
     03 : extracting                  
     04 : last known transmission - I 
     05 : last known transmission - II

2008 - INTERFERENCEplay & dl
clinical archives [ca089]
01 : ghost     
02 : invasion  
03 : mad       
04 : invocation
05 : faraway   

2006 - LANDMASSplay & dl
abdicate cell [ac021]
rhythmic themes:
 01 : crack(one) 
 02 : shore      
 03 : crack(two) 
 04 : plate      
ambiant themes: 
 05 : magnesium  
 06 : aluminium  
 07 : sodium     

2006 - SPIRALplay & dl
picomedia [pmact 4]
01 : key            
02 : tower (monogas)
03 : exit           
04 : medic hall     
05 : zone